
Public transport service improvement



Steering the transformation of bus services in New South Wales


A program to improve public transport in a New South Wales region required a series of innovative elements. The centrepiece was a new turn-up-and-go rapid bus service, and HKA was involved at every stage of the project life cycle.

In 2014, HKA was appointed to kick-start the program. This extensive modernisation of the bus network required critical on-road and off-road infrastructure, including additional bus priority, nine pairs of bus stops, six commuter car parks, dozens of intersection upgrades, and other improvements, including a package of measures to encourage cycling and walking. A dedicated fleet of new double-decker buses was also procured for the bus line.

What we did

HKA was initially engaged in the planning phase to support program management and business case development. Our consultant was closely involved in program framing and set-up, establishing the team and developing governance and the initial schedule. We also managed funding and the investment assurance process for the strategic business case.

The role extended into program development and delivery:

  • We contributed to the development of the final business case and assisted with overall business case management while also covering the program reporting function on all internal and external levels.
  • During program delivery, we assisted with program planning, owning integrated program scope, overseeing scheduling, driving medium-term de-risking, and interface management.
  • Scope management included establishing and maintaining the extensive scope master list and tight scope change control.
  • Scheduling tasks ranged from developing an integrated master schedule, baselining and re-baselining, regular schedule updates and reporting, to advising on schedule optimisation opportunities and risks, and reviewing claims submissions.
  • Interface management involved the coordination of construction schedules with numerous external entities.

As the program team grew from two to 60 full-time staff and underwent a series of changes in leadership and composition, our consultant provided continuity and helped to maintain focus on strategic goals, foster an inclusive culture, and facilitate open communication with the many stakeholders.


The program has been an overwhelming success. Bus patronage in the region is up by 11% and 5.9 million passenger trips were made in the first year of operation. Journey time on the route was reduced by around nine minutes, and customer satisfaction exceeded 90%.

"HKA provided continuity as the program team grew from two to 60 full-time staff and underwent a series of challenging organisational changes."
Project Details
  • Client
    Public transport operator
  • Year
  • Value
  • Services
  • Sectors
    Construction and Engineering, Transportation Infrastructure




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