
Dispute Resolution & Risk Mitigation in Madrid

HKA is a market leader in risk mitigation and dispute resolution in Madrid. Our team of experts have experience across all industries and sectors. They can assist you in any type of dispute. Our experts have assisted many clients in resolving claims and disputes relating to complex contracts and challenging projects.

As Spain’s largest city and capital, Madrid has a large presence of a wide range of industries. Our experts are well positioned to help you with any challenges you are facing on complex projects.

Contact HKA today to find out all the ways in which we can help.

Our Madrid Experts

Our Madrid experts specialise in sectors such as buildings, financial services, marine and shipping, oil and gas, power and utilities, production and manufacturing, real estate and tourism, sports and entertainment, technology, media and telecoms and transportation infrastructure. With our presence in multiple locations across the globe, we can ensure that you will have access to the most knowledgeable and experienced experts and consultants in the world.

Collaboration is key to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. We prioritise building strong relationships with our clients and offer a steady hand through careful thinking and analysis throughout claims and dispute processes.

Our team of experts have provided the following services on disputes:


Engineering and Construction Quantum
Delay and Disruption Analysis
Forensic Engineering, Architectural and Technical
Forensic Accounting and Investigations
Commercial Damages and Valuation
Government Contracts


Claims Management Services
Claims Governance
Dispute Avoidance


Infrastructure and Capital Projects


HKA’s pool of expert witnesses and advisers is multidisciplinary, with practical experience of every major industry:

Office Address

Calle de Velázquez, 34
Madrid, 28001, España

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