
Zaffer Khan


Expert Information
Qualifications PhD Chemical Engineering
MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering
Professional Memberships CEng, FIChemE, PPSE, MAE
Industries Buildings, Mining and Metals, Oil and Gas, Power and Utilities, Production and Manufacturing
Regional Experience Asia, Europe, Middle East
Expert Highlights
  • Widely qualified and experienced Chartered Chemical Engineer.
  • Appointed as expert witness and advisor in engineering and technical matters.
  • Sector experience ranging from petrochemical, oil and gas, power and infrastructure to industrial, waste and water treatment, energy from waste, and buildings.
  • International experience on complex and specialist engineering projects.
  • Assisted named expert on numerous international appointments involving engineering, delay, quantum and damages claims.

Zaffer Khan is a Chartered Engineer with over 25 years of process and construction industry experience. He has acted as a technical expert on 10 occasions.

Zaffer has experience in adjudication and arbitration, acting on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants, as well as government agencies. He often works closely with delay, quantum and damages experts to provide a comprehensive service for clients involved in large complex construction disputes.

Zaffer has experience of site and plant operations and an advanced knowledge of project engineering, project management, operational process design, safety, environmental engineering, and risk management. He has worked on many major projects, as a technical consultant and legal expert witness across Asia, Europe (including Russia) and the Middle East.

Zaffer acts as an expert in chemical and process safety engineering matters. He specialises in chemical and industrial process engineering and health and safety and is known for his pragmatic and proportionate approach to his analyses, and his keen eye for detail.

Zaffer holds a PhD in chemical engineering and has completed an advanced professional award in expert witness evidence. He is a registered professional process safety engineer, a fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, a practising member of the Academy of Experts, and has been published on various matters relating to risk and plant safety.

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