Joyce Tay is a Chartered Accountant with nearly 10 years of experience. She has been appointed as a forensic accounting expert or assisted the named expert on more than 25 occasions.
Joyce has delivered expert services in international arbitration under DIFC-LCIA, HKIAC, ICC, ICSID, SIAC rules, and court litigation. She has assisted on various cases with disputed values of up to US$800 million.
Joyce has experience in various industries including automotive, construction, cryptocurrency, hospitality, manufacturing, media, oil and gas, power and utilities, and retail across Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East. She started her career at one of the big four accounting firms and subsequently gained forensic accounting expertise at an international accounting firm.
Joyce specialises in the quantification of financial damages arising from breaches of contracts or agreements, disputes, personal injury claims, and the investigation of fraud cases. Her expertise also includes the assessment and valuation of insurance claims related to business interruption, lost profits, and stock losses.
Joyce holds a BBA in accountancy and is an Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants Financial Forensic Professional. She is a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and is bilingual in English and Chinese.