
Kelly Darroch


Expert Information
Qualifications BA Finance
Industries Technology, Media and Telecoms
Regional Experience Americas
Expert Highlights
  • Widely experienced in economic analysis.
  • Involved in more than 150 disputes supporting the named expert witness.
  • Advanced knowledge in finance, accounting, and economics.
  • Expertise in intellectual property, investigations and commercial damages.
  • Significant consulting experience in matters involving SEP/FRAND issues.

Kelly Darroch has more than 20 years of economic damages experience. She has assisted the named expert on more than 150 occasions.

Kelly has been involved in expert hearings in state court, federal court, international arbitration, before the International Trade Commission, and the High Court of Justice (England and Wales). She has provided analysis and support for the named expert in matters regarding commercial damages, business valuation and intellectual property.

Kelly has a background in general business consulting and disputes across a variety of sectors including computer hardware and software, financial services, electronics, consumer products, and accounting. She has been engaged on a variety of projects that required advanced knowledge in accounting, economics, finance, and statistics.

Kelly’s expertise includes analysis related to lost profits, unjust enrichment, and reasonable royalties resulting from intellectual property infringement, trade secret misappropriation, antitrust violations, and breach of contract. She has also analysed solvency and capital adequacy issues in connection with investigations of potential fraudulent conveyances related to bankruptcy disputes.

Kelly holds a degree in business administration (finance).

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