
William Gladden


Expert Information
Qualifications CPA (Illinois)
MBA Accounting and Finance
BS Finance
Professional Memberships AICPA, IMA, NCMA, ABA, Illinois CPA Society
Industries Aerospace and Defence, Buildings, Financial Services, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Marine and Shipping, Oil and Gas, Power and Utilities, Production and Manufacturing, Technology, Media and Telecoms, Transportation Infrastructure
Regional Experience Americas
Expert Highlights
  • Certified Public Accountant and an MBA.
  • More than 25 years advising clients and counsel regarding commercial damages, claim preparation, and investigations.
  • Experienced with a variety of dispute forums, including federal and state courts, arbitration, international arbitration, and mediation.
  • Broad expertise across numerous industries.
  • Testified in United States Federal and State Courts.
  • Proven as a credible expert witness under cross-examination.

William Gladden (Bill) is a Certified Public Accountant with over 25 years of experience. He has been an expert and assisted other experts on over a hundred matters.

Bill has testified as an expert on damages related issues in both trial and at deposition. He has also presented accounting and damages analysis for mediations and settlement negotiations.

Bill has consulted on a wide range of issues related to commercial damages, claim preparation, and investigations. He has advised clients across numerous industries including aerospace, construction, financial services, manufacturing, professional services, and shipbuilding.

Bill’s expertise in commercial damages includes causation, lost profits, purchase price disputes, settlement calculations and distributions, and other economic damages.  His expertise in contract claims includes claim preparation and review within the government contracting and construction industries, including disputes involving the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS).  Bill’s expertise in investigations includes government contracting investigations (false claim/qui tam lawsuits and self-disclosures) and commercial investigations (Securities and Exchange Commission investigations, accounting reviews, class action and other shareholder lawsuits).   

Bill is also Certified in Financial Forensics, a Charted Global Management Accountant, and a Certified Management Accountant. He holds an MBA in accounting and finance and has lectured to public agencies and universities.

Contact William
Location: , United States

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